
There are four (five) submenu options:

  • Facility view - allows to explore rooms and racks and to perform some operations with substocks
  • Rooms - standard list of rooms
  • Racks - standard list of racks
  • Design rack (visible only for users with rack_modify permission!)- this feature allows users to design a custom rack
  • Water system - allows to browse water systems of the facility

Facility View

The Facility View is a display of substocks in tanks, organized as in the actual facility. It is accessible through the main menu, or by clicking on the position information in the substock detail - this will navigate the user to the Facility View and highlight the inspected substock with a red frame. The settings can be personalized by clicking on the cog wheel in the upper-right corner, and include hiding certain rooms or racks or setting the default rack to view after accessing the page.

Color-coding of tanks

There are multiple color-coding options to help with navigating the facility. The blue Status icon in the upper right corner of the Facility View opens a drop-down menu that serves to select the according scheme:

  • Status of the fish (unproductive, productive, retired, dead)
  • Maturity (fry, juvenile, adult, retired)
  • Diet
  • Species
  • Light regime
  • Count (fish density)
  • Experiment
  • Substock use (experiment, breeding, backup...)
  • Printing status (which tanks have their label printed already, or need a reprint)
  • Egg count (average from the last 3 crossings)
  • Egg quality (average from the last 3 crossings)
  • Price

A legend for the color-coding is displayed on the right panel and can be hidden if desired. Some values used for color-coding can be defined by admin users, for example, the Count (fish density) values can be modified in Admin/Configuration/substock.count and also for the specific species in the Species extension in Admin/Codebooks/Species.

Mode selection

The four (five) buttons in the upper right corner change the functionality of the Facility View.

  • View - this is the default mode for Facility View, clicking on tanks makes it possible to explore the contents and update the properties of the tank
  • Transfer- substocks can be moved between tanks using drag-and-drop
  • Batch Select - allows the selection of multiple substocks, to perform operations with the whole batch in one go
  • Block - allows to block (i.e. book) empty tanks for a specified user
  • Pricing (visible only for users with db_admin permission!)- a defined price can be assigned to selected positions and any tank placed in the priced position will be included in the billing statistics. NOTE: The price in a specific position does not change by assigning a new substock to it and needs to be redefined manually.

View (Shift+V+V)

In this mode, users can select and assign an empty position or select an occupied tank and update its properties. The detail tooltips on tanks (accessible by hovering the cursor over a tank) contain substock name, status, fish count, owners, and projects.

Action window opens by clicking on a tank:

Empty tank:

Occupied tank: (two substocks sharing one position)

Transfer (Shift+T+T)

This function allows transferring the substocks between fish tanks using "drag and drop". A tank can be moved to any position which is not blocked by another user.

After drop

After dropping the tank to a selected position, the user can specify:

  • Which substocks should be transferred (checkboxes on the left side)
  • Width of both target and source tanks
  • If the target position is empty, the only transfer option is Move
  • If the target position is already occupied, the user can choose between:

    • Replace (unassign all substocks from the target position; these substocks lose their position information)
    • Share position (add selected substocks from source position to target position)
    • Swap (positions of target and source tanks will be switched)
    • Merge (merge into one substock; this option is available only if the source and the target contain sibling substocks)

In case users want to redistribute substocks from a shared tank into new positions, it is advisable to use the Shelf feature:


The Shelf is a drag-and-drop feature that can be used to transfer substocks between different racks and rooms. It opens automatically once the user enters the Transfer mode. Dropping a tank on the shelf makes it possible to move the tank into a new position in a different rack. There is also a drop-down menu Action, allowing the user to perform actions on all substocks placed on the shelf (Show on list, Crossing, Clear positions, Print QR, Clear shelf). The fish icon displays the number of substocks on the shelf. In Facility View, substocks currently placed on the shelf will be marked by a black flag at the right edge of the box. A substock placed on the shelf remains in its original position until the transfer to another position is completed.

Batch Select

Batch Select allows to select multiple tanks and execute batch actions. Tanks can be selected by clicking on individual positions, or by ticking the box on the left side of each row, which selects all tanks in the specific row. Batch actions can be selected in a drop-down menu in the right panel and include updating the substock information, printing the QR codes, and performing crossing. Function Count can be used for setting the initial Start count and further updating the count of fish in each tank of the whole batch in one go. NOTE: The action Count in Batch Select mode cannot be performed on a substock that is currently assigned to an experiment.

The batch-specific functions are:

  • List (creates a custom list of substocks)
  • Export (downloads a spreadsheet containing a custom list of substocks)

Block (Shift+B+B)

This function is used to block a tank for use by a certain user. It is possible to select only empty or blocked tanks and not the occupied ones. Block will block all unblocked tanks from the selection, Unblock will unblock all blocked tanks from the selection. A note which will stay visible on the blocked tanks can be added.

Managing tank size

A single tank can be occupied by more substocks (a shared tank), or it can be split into a matrix of smaller subtanks. There is also the option to set the tank width to 2×, 3×, or 4× of the standard width. This can be accessed by clicking on the Manage Tank Size button in the tank detail.

Design rack

(visible only for users with rack_modify permission!)

Step 1 - Design rack

  • The default design is 5 rows x 10 columns
  • Racks can be edited either manually, or by directly changing the code in the Generated code field below the rack (it is not necessary to edit the code)

Step 2 - Fill in the name and set room of the new racks

  • The user can design multiple racks of the same design at once by clicking the button Add rack form, then filling the forms and hitting Save

Water system

Here, you can define water systems used in the facility and specify the value ranges of the basic parameters for each system (pH, conductivity, nitrites, nitrates, and ammonia). Users with db_admin permission are able to define new water systems in Facility / Water system. Individual racks can be ascribed to a water system in the Racks submenu.

Once you have a new system stored and associated with corresponding racks, you can store values for each water quality parameter and track them in time - go to the detail of a selected water system and click the Log water status button.

NOTE: Uploads of water logs exported from the water control units will be available in one of the next releases.

Known bugs

  • Actions available in the action menu accessible in view mode do not reflect the user's permissions nor substock status (all actions are available although they cannot be saved in case the users do not have permissions for it).