Custom fields

Added in v. 3.4.1

Extensions needed: customization, (water monitoring)

Custom fields are meant to be used for any additional information about users (such as the license number etc.) and for water quality related data that should be part of the waterlog. The fields are named custom_field_[1-N] but can be renamed by the facility admin according to the facility's needs.

Once you make the changes, the new field will appear as an interactive part of the user profile, respectively waterlog.

User custom field:

User custom field

Waterlog custom field:

Waterlog custom field

Custom fields can be used for filtering and ordering in list views but for that, their internal name custom_field_<N> has to be used!


Step 1: Specify field name

In Admin / Configuration, find the key you want to use: custom_fields.<table>.custom_field_<number>. Currently, there are two types of tables, user and waterlog. The name supports HTML and FontAwesome 6 icons, so you can use:

H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> -> H2SO4
<i class="fa-solid fa-bomb"></i> -> bomb icon (FontAwesome)

Step 2: Select fields to be displayed

Then admin has to select which columns should be visible in Admin / Configuration, key custom_fields.<table>.used_fields.

When the configuration changes, users need to re-log to see the changes!